Turmeric ginger with curcumin gummies


A new turmeric gummies that taste like ginger and have curcumin in them.

100% vegan

Veganism is a lifestyle choice that rejects the use of animals and animal products, including food and clothing. For example, vegans do not eat meat, fish or poultry (no chicken, beef or pork), eggs or dairy products like milk or butter. You can still be vegan if you eat honey because bees are insects—not mammals—and therefore don’t require the same level of ethical treatment as other farm animals.

Veganism is considered by many to be more than just your diet; it’s also about making other choices in your daily life that reflect a respect for all life forms on earth (including humans!).

While some foods like honey are obviously not vegan-friendly because they come from animals, others might surprise you: peanut butter made from peanuts is fine for vegans to eat but some varieties may contain lecithin derived from egg yolks; gummy candies are usually made with gelatin which comes from animal bones; even breads made with yeast could have been grown on a medium containing animal parts such as meat broth! Many companies now offer vegan options so always check ingredients before purchasing anything processed so that you know what products are safe to buy!


You may be wondering why we’re talking about GMOs. Aren’t they pretty much banned?

GMOs are not natural and therefore, not healthy for you. They aren’t safe to consume and will never be ethical or sustainable. If a product is labeled “made with” or “contains” GMOs, then it definitely has them in it. It’s just common sense!


Gluten refers to a group of proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. For some people, consuming gluten can result in uncomfortable symptoms like bloating or joint pain. There are several different types of gluten intolerance:

  • Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body reacts to gluten by attacking the lining of your small intestine. If you have celiac disease, eating a slice of bread will cause damage that leads to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems like osteoporosis and infertility. The only treatment for this condition is to eat a strict diet free from all foods containing gluten—a challenge that’s made easier with today’s wide availability of “gluten-free” products!
  • Glutensensitivity is when your immune system reacts differently than normal when exposed to wheat flour; it doesn’t cause intestinal damage like celiac disease does (and therefore isn’t classified as an autoimmune disorder). While doctors still aren’t sure why this happens, it’s estimated that 9 million Americans have nonceliac gluten sensitivity—an increase from before its existence was even proven!


This recipe is gelatin-free. Gelatin is made from animal bones and therefore isn’t suitable for vegetarians or vegans, as well as people who follow kosher diets.

Gelatin also contains sugar and artificial colors, so if you’re avoiding those things too, this recipe is perfect for you!


Whether you’re vegan, lactose intolerant or just don’t like the taste of dairy, these turmeric ginger gummies are for you. These healthy gummies are made with gelatin from grass-fed cows and wild caught fish collagen to deliver the highest quality bone broth protein. No artificial sweeteners or flavors here—just pure, wholesome ingredients that work together to support your health.*

The turmeric in these gummies is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to help reduce joint pain and inflammation while boosting brain function.* The ginger also helps ease stomach upset while supporting digestive health.* And last but not least, the curcumin provides additional antioxidant benefits as well as pain relief.* One serving of these dairy free gummies delivers 3 mg curcumin per day which is about equal to taking a low dose supplement without any of those extra fillers or additives.

GMP approved

Most importantly, GMP-approved products are manufactured in a facility with the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. This means that it is subject to regular inspections by government agencies to ensure that these practices are being followed.

These turmeric supplements are great for people on restricted diets.

These turmeric supplements are great for people on restricted diets. They’re non-dairy, gluten-free and vegan (so they won’t upset your stomach), as well as gelatin-free, dairy-free and GMP approved.


We hope you enjoyed reading about these turmeric supplements! They are great for people on restricted diets, so if this sounds like you then try one of our products today.

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